๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Your Linkedin profile

A complete LinkedIn profile (scoring 100%) is 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn. This is because a completed profile ranks higher in the internal algorithm, meaning youโ€™re more likely to be discovered.

Hereโ€™s what you need on your profile to get there:

  • Profile picture

  • Location and industry

  • Experience (a current position, with a brief description, plus two previous positions)

  • Skills (at least three)

  • Education

  • At least 50 connections

LinkedIn is a key platform for finding job opportunities. Make sure yours is up to scratch before you start job hunting. Here is a list of things to check:

Linkedin profile criteria

  • Your profile scores 100% on Linkedin
  • You have a professional profile picture
  • Your bio includes the role you’re looking for and your key skills
  • Emphasise 3-5 key skills you want to be found for across your profile (Bio, Summary, Activity etc.)
  • You have an engaging summary section
  • Connect to the rest of your profile (GitHub, Email, etc.)
  • Relevant experience (Including CYF)
  • An accurate Education section (Including CYF)
  • Share your projects and talk about them
  • A banner that highlights your skills